
I want to start by wishing everyone competing at the World Championships in Japan and the Provincial Championships in Stratford good luck this week!

My 2022-2023 season did not begin as planned. I entered two summer competitions in Waterloo and Montreal. The new long program was not ready. I came home and took some time off to regroup.

I was eager to get back on the ice three days into my break; I felt rested and determined, and I knew what I needed to do, so it began.

If I wanted to feel ready for my next competitions, I knew I had to start training clean run-throughs to be in control.

The highlight of my season was my win at the 2023 Canadian Challenge Championships. Heading into this competition, I felt ready and determined to skate my best and to skate how I had been training at home.  When it came time for me to compete, I was confident and focused.

This victory only boosted my confidence and motivation for the next competition, the National Championships. Arriving at Nationals was definitely an eye-opener.

The Oshawa venue was a grand sporting arena. The windows were closed, there were sponsor signs on the walls, a large stage for the judges, and a well-appointed kiss and cry area, not to mention the TV lights and interview requests.

I was stunned and immediately nerve-wrecked.

I started my two practices a day and was not quite feeling myself. This was a very different setup than where we train on a daily basis. Fortunately, I had some people I could talk to about what I was going through, and they gave me helpful advice.

On the morning of my short program, I was ready to go and felt completely in command of the situation.

To warm up, I went to the ice, where I discovered that my friends and family were sitting. This always gives me confidence.

My jumps felt great, and I felt like I owned them again. I had the confidence that I would have a successful competition.

Placing third heading into the long can be stressful because you are a medal contender and don’t want to lose it, but with the trust I had in my training, I was able to stay calm and collected.

I placed third overall and was extremely happy with the outcome of my week and how everything turned out. The result was just a bonus.

Wherever you are in your skating career, being happy with how your competition worked out is what I wish for you too!






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