

Elite Jump Performance

Toronto’s premier off-ice jumping training studio, where dreams take flights.

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Uplifter was founded in 2013 in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. However, our club management software was first built in 2011 as a favour to one of our kids’ figure skating clubs. After building and testing our club software solution, we began to see the positive effects ripple through the organization. That stoked a fire in us. We wanted to produce the best possible club management software so that more clubs, associations and schools could free up their administrative time and focus on doing what they do best; providing an enriching experience for youth. To this day that same passion for supporting youth-based organizations continues to guide the technologies we build and the way we run our company.

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Scarborough Nissan

Serving the SCARBOROUGH area, SCARBOROUGH NISSAN, is your premier retailer of new and used Nissan vehicles. It has been at the same location since Datsun was first brought into Canada well over 34 years ago.

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Jackson Skates

Jackson Ultima is a global leader in figure skate boots, blades and complete skates. Our expertise and passion for the sport is embodied in Jackson Ultima’s commitment to technology that enhances the performance of the world’s leading skaters. We also offer a complete range of recreational figure and leisure skates to enhance the pleasure and enjoyment of all skaters.

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Safety. Durability. Practicality

Constructed with a unique circular design for safety. High-quality parts and materials welded for durability. Soft neoprene case for storage and easy transport for use at home, the rink, or on the go.

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Factor’s pre-made, nutritious meals mean sticking to a healthy meal plan has never been easier. Lead a healthier lifestyle with chef-prepared, dietitian-approved meals delivered every week that are ready to eat and enjoy in minutes.

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Funding Partners


Our Mission is to provide a world-leading multi-sport daily training environment for athletes, coaches and practitioners through expert leadership, services and programs.

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Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Working to improve quality of life and promoting economic growth by supporting and delivering tourism and cultural experiences, supporting the arts and cultural industries and championing participation in sport and recreation activities across Ontario.

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Ontario Trillium Foundation

The mission of the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is to build healthy and vibrant communities throughout Ontario by investing in community-based initiatives and strengthening the impact of Ontario’s non-profit sector.

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Official Suppliers


For more than 50 years, Nothers Signs and Recognition has been a supplier of awards and recognition products to Sport Association, Schools, Professional Associations, Corporate Markets, and Service Clubs across Ontario. We have been serving these clients with the best practices and we have the ability to take a communicated concept and complete all stages from graphic art/design, to customization, to individual personalization and presentation and finally to ship anywhere our clients request.

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