Skate Ontario is delighted to welcome the Performance and Education Academy as an official sponsor and the official ‘Integrated Education’ partner of the organization. ( )
Performance and Education’s slogan is “Education at the service of athletic performance”, where optimizing the efforts of a student off the ice become as important as those that happen on the ice. It’s about the understanding and prioritization of goals as unique as the athletes themselves.
“Today the success of youth athletes is based not only on their success in school, but also on being able to socialize and shine in different spheres of sport,” said Maha Sayah, Founder and Academic Coach, Performance and Education Academy. “Our partnership with Skate Ontario is one the most prestigious initiative of which we are proud. This partnership will reinforce our mutual values and aim for an effective collaboration to keep skaters engaged and committed to their sport while we offer them an academic coaching option that will make their journey a success.”
This is a comprehensive view and subsequent and individualized plan addressing the unique requirements of a student athlete. To this end, their academic coaches provide customized structure, planning, and organization to ensure a balance between sport and school which supports the student’s success on all fronts.
“Skate Ontario is committed to the idea that supporting athletes in the learning that takes place off the ice is as important as the skills they acquire on the ice,” said Lisa Alexander, Executive Director, Skate Ontario. “It is for this reason that we are thrilled to welcome Performance and Education Academy as our Integrated Education partner.”
For more information, visit our partner page at and click on the Performance and Education link.
Performance and Education Academy offers services in French and English, and they have offered their perspective in French here:
“La réussite de nos jeunes aujourd’hui repose non seulement sur leur succès au niveau scolaire, mais également de pouvoir sociabiliser et briller dans différentes sphères de l’univers sportif. À cet effet, nos coachs académiques mettent en place une structure adaptée, une planification, une organisation afin d’assurer un équilibre entre l’école et le sport.
Dans cette perspective, notre partenariat avec Patinage Ontario est une première initiative prestigieuse dont nous sommes fiers qui renforcera nos valeurs mutuelles et visera une collaboration efficace pour maintenir nos patineurs actifs dans le sport et à l’école en leur offrant un coaching académique qui permettra une conciliation efficace entre leurs études et leur passion.”
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