Denise Harris – Program Resource Team Member

Introducing the first of seven Program Resource Team members – Denise Harris!

The Program Resource Team is a trained group of engaged coaches who are responsible for facilitating workshops and working with clubs to maximize programming across the province.

What is your favourite coaching memory?

This was really hard for me. There have been so many things like all the firsts….. ice shows, gold test accomplishments, skaters qualifying for provincials, skater winning gold at provincials…….seriously after 30 years there have been so many.  So, I went through that trunk of memories we all have and here is what I came up with. 30 years ago, I began coaching in a small rural club, the local paper did a story on me. They titled it “Teel Pursues Lifelong Dream” I giggle as I read it but really it was true.  Not many people get to say they do something they love for a living, but I can!!!   I always wanted to coach skating. During my coaching career I have watched kids grow as skaters and into young adults. I have shared the good times and hard times in skating as well as in personal lives. I have developed relationships with parents that have lasted beyond their child’s skating days. Being able to still do what I set out to do 30 years ago, is my favorite coaching memory.  

What does being a Resource Team Member mean to you?

At one time in my coaching career I started to feel  overwhelmed with the changes that were happening. I had people who helped me along the way. Being part of this team will give me the opportunity to give back and support coaches who are feeling this way. As for helping clubs, I have always been about clubs supporting each other. Being a part of this team will give me the opportunity to share ideas from other clubs that have been successful. 

What is the best part of meeting face to face with program leaders?

It’s much easier to build relationships through face to face meetings. So many times, and email or text can be misinterpreted. Face to face meetings tend to be clearer.  Sometimes it is easier to have small talk when face to face. You can take in a lot of information out of a few minutes of small talk.  I personally like meeting new people and getting to know about them and their clubs. It really helps being able to put a name to a face.