Spirit Award – Carlea Wilkie-Ellis (Orillia FSC)

The 2020-2021 Spirit Award goes to Carlea Wilkie-Ellis from the Orillia Figure Skating Club!

The love for the sport of figure skating shines through Special Olympic athlete Carlea! Through many set backs during this past year, she has always remained positive and arrived at the rink with a smile on her face.  Her dedication and positive attitude shone through to the other members at her club. “Carlea would arrive early to the rink, and welcome our skaters into the screening area. She never complained about putting her skates on outside, and always had a smile on her face.

Carlea always supports other skaters at her club and encourages them every step of the way. “She has a smile when she comes to the rink and always says hello to the coaches, skaters, and parents. She is the first one to say she likes your new solo music and congratulate others on landing a jump.” Carlea has been her club’s cheerleader through the whole pandemic and embodies all of the attributes for a welcoming team environment.

Even when the Orillia area was shutdown in the grey zone, Carlea worked hard participating in off ice sessions on Zoom to maintain her jumps. “ Even when there were harder elements that she could not do, she would try them and then cheer on the skaters who were performing them.”

Our skaters and coaches love having her at the rink, and her true spirit has shone this year.” She has made a great impact at her club and continues to support everyone around her!

From all of us at Skate Ontario, congratulations to Carlea for winning the Spirit Award as part of the 2020-2021 Skate Ontario Recognition Awards!