How does our Club/School earn the CanSkate Excellence – Engaged status?

Attend a CanSkate Excellence Trainer Webinar! The webinar registration and payment page can be found here.

*The ‘CanSkate Excellence Trainer Webinar’ consists of a 1.5-hour interactive webinar to review the CanSkate program delivery standards. There will be material to review prior to the session. A minimum of (1) coach per club/school must attend. Clubs/Skating Schools are encouraged to register multiple coaches. The coach(es) in attendance will be responsible to ensure their club/skating school CanSkate sessions are executed in accordance with the Skate Canada delivery standards.

How does our Club/Skating School earn the CanSkate Excellence – Achieved or CanSkate Excellence – Exceeded recognition?

  1. Achieve CanSkate Excellence – Engaged status.
  2. Fill out the checklist and application survey.You will need to include a detailed session plan including the following items: 
  • Session format/layout – Include the number of stations and the format on the ice for lesson time.
  • Session timing – Include a schedule of the session breakdown (Warm-up (5 min), Fast track (30 sec), Lesson time #1 (10 min), Fast track (30 sec), Lesson #2 (10 min), etc.)
  • Lesson set-up and Schedule – Show how groups rotate to the different stations on the ice.
  1. Session evaluation: Skate Ontario will determine the method of evaluation. 
    1. CanSkate Specialist visit – A CanSkate Specialist (CSS) will travel to your club to watch a session live. The CSS will evaluate your session based on the same criteria listed in the CanSkate Excellence Resource Chart (updated February 2025).
    2. Submit a video – The video includes an entire CanSkate session (with sound), including all session parts (Warm-up, Lesson time, Group activity, Cool-Down).

Upon completion of the session evaluation, clubs/skating schools will receive written feedback and results of the evaluation.