
Congrats to all on a great season. Now that season 2022/23 is complete we have all started getting ready for the new season, most of us have taken some time off, gone on vacation or simply stayed home and relaxed and caught up on homework. In my case I have taken multiple long weekends and caught up on my school work, I am graduating high school this year so it has been a heavy and important school year.

After my rest time has been taken I started to look into the next season and what programs I want to skate. We had to make the decision whether or not I will keep a program or change them both. This year I have decided to keep the long and change the short. Of course I will continue to work on the long and improve it for next season but I have decided to take a completely different style to the short to explore different genres. Deciding on a new music is a team job, I talked to my coach and choreographer and we found a music that spoke to me and I felt connected to. They wanted to keep my personality while still giving me a challenge and something new to explore/work on this season. The moment I heard my new program music played in the rink I knew we had made the right choice. I remember feeling happy and excited. We have now finished the choreography and everyday I’m loving it more and more. That is the feeling that I always look for when getting a new program, it makes training them so much easier.

Now that my programs are done it is time to start training them. The first competition this year that I will attend is the July sectional series. Therefore, to be ready it is time for me to start training program parts and gradually get myself training full run throughs. I want to show the improvements that I have made throughout the off season, I know that being on the senior National podium comes with higher expectations from others and more eyes on me, but it is important that I keep my nerves in check and trust what I have improved thus, show that I am ready for the new competition season.

I am very excited to see what this new year brings and I wish everyone good luck!


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