Hosting a Virtual Annual Meeting Resource

Over the last decade many facets of daily operations across all sectors of business have been shifting to a more virtual setting, especially now living through this pandemic. It is important to be able to pivot and shift operations to align with current restrictions and your member’s needs. Skate Ontario has created the Hosting a Virtual Annual Meeting resource for our member clubs to help with the process of shifting your annual members meeting from your traditionally held in-person meeting to a virtual setting.

This resource provides information on platform choice (both meeting and election), identifies some key roles/people to execute your meeting, and some additional tips for how to manage your club’s annual meeting in a virtual setting.

PLEASE NOTE: For your club to be able to host a virtual annual meeting, your By-Laws must explicitly state that you can host members meetings in an electronic or virtual setting. If your current By-Laws do not allow for virtual meetings (whether by omission or explicitly prohibiting), the Ontario government has recently extended the ability for Ontario Corporations Act (OCA) corporations to have virtual meetings until May 31, 2021. It is recommended that your club amend your By-Laws to allow for both member and board meetings to be conducted in an electronic or virtual setting.