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STAR 1-4 Tilbury
SCHEDULE/START ORDERS The schedule is posted as of January 24. Start Orders are now posted. MUSIC For STAR 1-4 Tilbury, competitors must submit their music online through Google Forms. Music registration will close at 11:59pm on Sunday, January 28, 2024. Late music submissions will not be accepted, nor will they be accepted onsite. MP3 file(s)
Find out more »STAR 1-4 Kincardine Skate by the Lake
SCHEDULE/START ORDERS The schedule was posted as of January 30. Schedule is subject to change. Start Orders are now posted. MUSIC For STAR 1-4 Kincardine, competitors must submit their music online through Google Forms. Music registration will close at 11:59pm on Sunday January 21, 2024. Late music submissions will not be accepted, nor will they
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Provincial Series Brantford Recorded Videos
Message for Skaters, and coaches whose programs were recorded at Provincial Series Brantford and who finished in first, second or third place: All medals for the Provincial Series Brantford have now been mailed out!
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