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Provincial Series #9 – LaSalle presented by Elite Jump Performance
RESULTS (STAR 5+ and Adult) Due to a posting delay, results can be found here shortly after each category is completed. Results can also be found on the LaSalle results page, however may be available 2+ hours after the category is completed. Jan 15 - An updated schedule has been posted. Only STAR 6
Find out more »STAR 1-4 Glen Cairn Love to Skate
SCHEDULE & START ORDERS The schedule is posted as of January 4. Subject to Change. Start Orders are now posted. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Update December 10: No additional entries will be added to this event at this time. Waitlisted skaters will only be contacted if there is a withdrawal in the same category for which they are
Find out more »STAR 1-4 Norwich
START ORDERS HAVE BEEN POSTED! GENERAL MUSIC REQUIREMENTS GOOGLE FORM MUSIC UPLOAD: For STAR 1-4 - Norwich, Coaches are asked to submit their skaters music online through Google Forms. Each entry must provide an MP3 audio file of the correct music for the competition. Music registration will close at 11:59 PM EST on December 31st,
Find out more »STAR 1-4 Fort Frances
START ORDERS NOW POSTED! GENERAL MUSIC REQUIREMENTS CDs: Each entry must provide two CDs of the correct music for the competition upon registration, one for competition - marked “Master” and one for back up - marked “Copy”. These must be registered with music registration at least one hour prior to the posted start time of
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