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Event Updates

Questions about this event should be directed to [email protected]


Accreditation tags for the 2024-2025 season have not changed. Synchro teams who have received their Black Team Manager and Chaperone accreditation tags from either the 22/23 or 23/24 should continue to use their tags for the upcoming season. For new teams who have not received their accreditation tags, requests should be sent to [email protected].

For Teams who have misplaced or lost their accreditation tags, replacement tags are available for purchase. Cost of a replacement tag is $25.00. Replacement tag requests should be sent to [email protected].


Music upload and PPC collection will be through SkateReg, Skate Ontario’s Event Registration system. Music & PPC Registration closes on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 11:59pm. All late submissions will be subject to a late fee. NOTE: Music files may not appear on your dashboard immediately after saving. If you refresh your page and do not see your file, please wait 5 minutes and try again.

Teams should bring a USB Back-Up of their music. This should be kept rinkside with their coach in the event of technical difficulties.
