Event Updates
CDs: Each entry must provide two CDs of the correct music for the competition upon registration, one for competition – marked “Master” and one for back up – marked “Copy”. These must be registered with music registration at least one hour prior to the posted start time of the category and may not be removed for any reason until after the category is completed. CD Audio Discs are the only music format accepted. iPhones, iPods or other digital sources will not be accepted as backups. Music must be picked up within 30 minutes after completion of the category. All music used must be in the public domain or covered by the performing rights societies. Competitors who have music composed specifically for their programs either wholly or in part, are responsible for obtaining a written release from the composer for the use of such music on radio and/or television or appropriate clearance from the performing rights societies.
Standard Specifications for Music:
(1) Only one program shall be recorded on each CD
(2) Competitor’s name followed by home club, category, program type-short or free and music time shall be printed on front of the CD label using a black Sharpie pen
(3) Each CD shall be enclosed in a plastic case in good repair marked with the skater’s name, home club, category, program type – short or free, and total music time
Technical Guidelines for Music CDs:
(1) Music on CD must be burned in CD audio format (NOT mp3; .acc or DVD)
(2) Music should be burned on CD-R discs of good quality that provide legible space for skater information to be printed on
(3) It is recommended that CDs be burned at speeds 16Xs or less
(4) The start of the music shall be recorded on the CD with less than two seconds of lead in
Questions about the event should be directed to: [email protected]