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Event Updates

Start Orders are posted as of January 3.

Updated schedule is posted as of December 20. Sunday’s schedule has been updated.

All inquiries about entry lists should be sent to [email protected]

Spectator Admission
Adult: $10.00 per day
Senior & Students: $5.00 per day
Children under 3: Free

Cash only- No $50 or $100 bills. Small bills are greatly appreciated


Skaters should bring a USB Back-Up of their music. This should be kept rinkside with their coach in the event of technical difficulties.

Planned Program Content (PPC)

Planned Program sheets will be collected onsite at Skater Registration for all STAR 5 – Gold Freeskate, Artistic, Pre-Juvenile & Juvenile categories. Skaters are encouraged to bring a pre-filled copy of their planned program sheet to the event. A blank copy can be found here.