Event Updates
Start Orders have now been posted.
Entry Lists have now been posted.
The schedule has now been posted.
Update November 14: Waitlisted skaters will only be contacted if there is a withdrawal in the same category for which they are waitlisted. Skaters will be contacted in order of their position on the waitlist for that category. No additional entries will be added to this event at this time.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: For Provincial Series #4 – Stratford December Classic, competitors must submit their music online via Google Forms. Please see the updated event announcement and music upload instructions included on this page.
MUSIC UPLOAD – Music must be submitted online via Google Forms. The deadline to upload your music has been EXTENDED to Wednesday, November 16th at 11:59 PM. Please see music upload instructions here. *NEW* Back-up music must be on USB. Please see updated announcement for details.