Event Updates
The Bring ON the Fun! series is a two-month Skate Ontario supported Performance & Development
Opportunity (PDO) and an On and Off-Ice Event Video Performance Opportunity. BOTF focuses on
providing team-based, fun experiences for skaters, clubs and individuals. With current COVID-19
restrictions and the awareness that many skaters are off the ice, we have created an accessible “Home
Registration for this event will open on March 1, 2021 at 12:00pm ET and will close on April 25, 2021 at 11:59pm ET.
How does it work?
We have created 3 unique options of fun and engaging opportunities to participate from March to April:
1. Social media video challenges – use #BOTF and tag us at @skateontario
2. Off-ice challenges – film, submit to receive fun/meaningful feedback (no restrictions on the
number of submissions)
3. On-ice challenges – film, submit to receive fun/meaningful feedback (no restrictions on the
number of submissions)
Near the end of the two months, we will have a Bring ON the Fun! Celebration. The Bring ON the Fun!
Celebration will be hosted on Facebook Live on Thursday, April 29 at 7:00pm ET. Athletes who upload
their video will be entered into a random draw with the opportunity to be featured on our Facebook Live