Coaches Corner Webinar #3 with Dr. Judy Goss

We are excited to announce our third Coaches Corner webinar!  On Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 7:30 pm ET we will be talking with Dr. Judy Goss.

Dr. Judy Goss has been a Mental Performance Consultant for over 25 years. Judy received her MSc from the University of North Texas and PhD from the University of Maryland in Sport Psychology.  Dr. Goss provides mental skills training, program management and leadership. She offers consulting and workshops for athletes, coaches and parents.

Dr. Goss has attended over 14 Olympic, Paralympic, Pan Am and World Championships with athletes and teams and has been a huge part of Skate Ontario’s OHPSI (Ontario High Performance Sport Initiative) program for many years.

Dr. Judy Goss will be discussing topics such as; helping skaters manage through COVID-19 and preparing for a season of uncertainty.

To register for our next Coaches Corner Webinar, please click here.