CanSkate Excellence – Update & Fundamental Signs

Many of our clubs/skating schools in the CanSkate Excellence program have received their new fundamental signs! They look great! If any CanSkate Excellence Achieved or Exceeded clubs/skating schools have not yet received their new fundamental signs, please reach out to Denise Harris, Coordinator, Club Programs.

Reminder to all CanSkate Excellence Engaged Clubs/Skating Schools: In order for your program to be assessed to become CanSkate Excellence Achieved or Exceeded, you must first complete the application: Application Survey

Once the application has been submitted and reviewed, Skate Ontario will arrange for your CanSkate program to be assessed.

Do you want your club/skating school to become part of the growing CanSkate Excellence Program? It’s not too late. It is just 3 easy steps:

  1. Have a minimum of one coach from your club/skating school attend our CanSkate Excellence Trainer Webinar. Register here for Trainer Webinars
  2. Fill out the engaged survey (3 easy questions) HERE
  3. Pay the $60 application fee HERE