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Event Updates

Questions about this event should be directed to Stephanie Lafleur at [email protected]

Start orders have now been posted.

Update June 29 – A revised schedule has been posted.  Saturday (Manley and Senecal) and Sunday (Manley only) are affected.

Practice ice is available for purchase through Gloucester SC.  Click here to view available practice ice schedule.  A link to register is included.  Questions about practice ice should be directed to [email protected].


Planned Program Content – Online submission has now closed.  All PPC changes must be emailed to [email protected].

Music – Online music submission has now closed.  All music changes must be emailed to [email protected].


Videos are available for order from Tony Hicks, The Camera Guy.  Videos may be ordered in advance use this link, or by scanning the QR code onsite. Questions about video orders should be directed to [email protected]

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