“I began my training as an official when I was still competing. I felt this really opened my eyes because I learned what judges are looking for when watching a program.”
Job: Judge, Evaluator, Referee, Technical Specialist, and Technical Controller
Programs/Levels: Gold Level – Freeskate, Dance, Skating Skills, Interpretive (E). Diamond Level – Dance (E). Challenge Pairs, Senior Singles and Dance (J). Sectional Singles and Pairs, and Interclub Dance (R). Sectional – Singles and Pairs (TS). Sectional – Singles (TC)
“Figure skating is a central part of my life,” says William Lindsay. “I have met some amazing people through my involvement in this sport – skaters I trained with, coaches who taught me, and people with whom I judge. They have become some of my best friends. I have grown as a person through skating and have learned many things about myself. I know the value of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. I hope that skating will always be a part of my life.”
At the suggestion of a judge from his club (at the time), William attended his first judges’ clinic at 15 years old. It wasn’t long before he received his first promotion at 16. “That was 18 years ago! This surpasses any paid occupation I have had.”
His first piece of advice is quite simple – find a mentor. “This should be someone you trust and are comfortable enough with to ask anything, no matter how insignificant. I have a few officials that I rely on constantly. I seek advice for advancement and interpreting rule changes. I would be lost without their guidance and I owe them a large debt of gratitude.
“My second piece of advice is to memorize the rules,” he says. “I am sure I will hear a couple of groans from the audience here, but it is important. When you have this knowledge memorized, you will make more consistent decisions and you will be a stronger asset as you begin your judging career. Take time each season to ‘clear your memory’ and ‘re-load’ it with all of the new changes. Review the material before each competition that you attend.
“Officiating is a very rewarding experience. Consider attending a judging or technical panel clinic to join our ranks and help encourage the next generation of figure skaters.”